About Us
At Watauga Hearing, we understand that hearing loss affects each person differently. Because no single treatment plan is all encompassing, we are committed to providing a comprehensive communication solution personalized to every individual’s unique hearing needs. Our audiologists will work closely with you to create a customized treatment plan designed to help you overcome the…
Our Audiologists
Our audiologists provide specialized care to individuals of all ages. They are dedicated to the prevention and treatment of hearing loss and provide every patient with compassionate and knowledgeable care.
Patient Forms
New patients are required to complete paperwork prior to their appointment. To save time, you can print and fill out these forms prior to your appointment. Please give the forms to the front office staff upon arrival. New Adult Patient Forms New Pediatric Patient Forms Patients coming for a tinnitus evaluation need to fill out…
Special Testing Instructions
If you or your child is coming in for one of the appointments listed below, please read and follow the indicated pre-test instructions. If you do not follow the pre-test instructions, your appointment may have to be rescheduled. VNG (Videonystagmography) Pediatric ABR (Auditory Brainstem Response)